What on Earth do you Need to Pack in Your Hospital Bag?

When I reached about 35 weeks pregnant with my first son Henry, I suddenly realised that things had started to get real. Consequently, I decided it was about time I packed the famous hospital bag ready for “the big day,” which was beginning to creep up on me faster than anticipated (I guess it sort […]

How to “Survive” the First Sick Day with Toddlers/Babies……

I knew I was very lucky when my second baby came along (another son, Edward). Henry, my eldest, was in nursery 5 days a week (as he had started that when I went back to work). This gave me time during weekdays to bond with Edward, and it meant Henry was occupied in the day. […]

A Survival Guide For the First Few Days After Giving Birth

Before I had my first baby, I had visions of what the first few days following the birth would be like. I imagined sitting at home staring into my baby’s eyes, overwhelmed with love for this new being that I had brought into the world. The reality was somewhat different. To sum it up, I […]